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Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Hope everyone had a great weekend. I went to the gym and it felt great (but I only went once). Man I suck. But I was really diligent about tracking my calories. Oh well, it's another week to try again. But oh do I have a funny story for you...

So I posted my laptop on KSL the other day (someone buy it k?) and the next day I get a random text from a  random number that was way too long and funny and too overly-dramatic to be true. Of course I put 2 and 2 together and assumed this was a prank text from someone who got my number from KSL. So I went along with it and decided to mess with them. Oh and another obvious reason this was a hoax; notice the sweet girlfriend tone at the beginning and then the immediate switch to the "bro" dialogue. 


 I looked up their number on the internet and found this match; hence the Princess comment. 

All in all I'm only 98% sure this was a prank text but who cares, it made my day. I encourage all my readers to text that number something good and report back. And while I'm at it. Here are a few other texts I've snapped pictures of:

I like to find any excuse to use my unused emoticons.

 And lately I've been missing my BFF Alisha's Gossip Girl Text. I need something to fill that void. And sorry Alisha, I realize I still have your madden name in my phone.

Last but not least I found this online and me and Spencer love it because I am terrified of moths! Seriously I had a bad experience at girls camp that has haunted me all my life and I'm certain they are out to get me and all my loved ones. 
I'll get you for this moth! 


  1. Ha Ha!!! So fun! I miss Gossip Girl... I still haven't seen the last season, but I am soooo excited for when I do!! I am watching another show right now and I need someone to vent about it because there is one character that I want to stab. But I can't tell anyone what show it is because they will judge me..

  2. Hahah oh my hell how did I not know you had a blog I could be reading and laughing about all along?? Haha oh man good find. Good find.
