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Thursday, March 6, 2014


I know I put on a brave face and seem super confident most of the time, but every now and again I get a case of social anxiety. For those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you may remember a few months back I posted that I went to H&M to returnd something, saw someone I knew, and immediatly left without returning the item. I don't really know why I do things like that. I think its the fear of awkward small talk that gets me... mixed with the fact that I was in workout clothes and Uggs. When I was younger I use to have the biggest fear or talking to strangers on the phone or in person (like asking for help at stores or the library). When I was little I use to make my friend Mary Beth order our breadsticks whenever we walked to our local pizza place because I was too scared to talk to the cashier. I think that almost everyone has a little case of social anxiety in certain situations and can relate to what I'm saying, and if you can't, here is my good friend "Social Anxiety Cat" to explain how the rest of us feel. 

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