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Thursday, February 27, 2014


I'm a lover of super classy magazines like People and Us Weekly, but when I'm not reading those intellectually stimulating periodicals, then you will find me reading interior design magazines. Recently I subscribed to Architectural Digest and Dwell. Although I enjoy being visually stimulated by many styles of interior design, I love when I see something that speaks to my design soul and says to me "You could totally live here" or "That has you written all over it." Recently this happened when Architectural Digest invaded the home of Patrick Dempsey (aka Dr. McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy). Who knew we were design spirit sisters Pat!? This house has most of the aspects I love: bright, open, simple, and full of neutrals. To start off can we just all let our jaws drop at this front door. When I saw this, I knew that this was the door I had to have in my dream home! And that giant tree! Eeek! 

^^I'm in love with this pool. The trees, the wood deck, and simplicity of it all kills me!

Growing up my parents were huge into gardening. I've always wanted a garden because I love the idea of fresh fruits and vegetables, but there were parts of their's that seemed really tedious. I love how the Dempsey's garden is higher than ground level (don't have to bend over as far) and the way it's divided into sections with a nice little rock path so you don't have to walk through dirt and mud. This is the stuff of dreams people! 

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