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Wednesday, January 8, 2014


A couple things to note with the new blog. First, I hate when people have their wedding pictures up as their blog picture but low and behold I don't have any high quality photos of just me besides from that day but I'm working on that. Second, My goal is to post at least 3 times a week but I'm not going to post on Instagram everytime I post because that would just ruin Instagram for me. I'll put a notification on Facebook and Twitter though, but you are also welcome to follow me on the blog by clicking on that lovely little button that says "join this site," or you can also follow on bloglovin' to know when I post. Third, as of right now if you don't type in "www" before my URL, it won't work but I'm working with GoDaddy to get that fixed.

On another note, I thought since everyone was "going to the gym" this month, I'd post some of my favorite gym shirts that I'm debating between. They all share a common theme if you didn't pick that up:

*All T-shirts from

Yes Ryan, yes it is. 

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