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Monday, April 15, 2013


Took a week off from blogging.. It's been a crazy week with my sewing final coming up and my sister's baby shower. Just want to say thanks for everyone's support on my last post. I would also like to say one thing about it; all the comments I got both on the blog, on Instagram, and on Facebook were all really positive, except for an anonymous commenter who posted this:  

"You just one upped her. There was nothing Loving Positive or Accepting about this at all. You just tore her down. She wrote a comment, you wrote a blog."

Since I turned off my option to post a comment as anonymous, it was forever lost in cyber space. But also, since anonymous commenters do not get notified when you respond to their comments, I thought I would post my response on here so that if they come back to the blog they would be able to read it. Aren't I so nice! :) Here is what I would have said:

"Actually nowhere did I attach or tear down her character. I merely gave a narrative of a story that happened to me, and how it made me feel. I still respect her right to have an opinion. This was more to encourage those who are afraid of saying something when they think someone has crossed a line or mocked their religion. And for me to even respond to your comment is a total waste of time, as you are commenting anonymously and will not get an email notification that I responded to your comment. It also shows that you are afraid to let me, and others, know who you are. Glad you commented though, as I didn’t know my “anonymous” option was turned on, and I have now deleted it. Hooray! We are all accountable for our comments now! Have a good day and thanks for reading."

If any of you have a blog, I highly recommend turning off your "anonymous" setting because it just screams "please cyber-bully me."

On another note, we threw my sister a Dr. Seuss themed baby shower and it turned out "Pinterest worthy," according to my sister Emilee. Here are some pictures from it: 

The banner was made out of Dr. Seuss books we found at thrift stores. 

 The woman of the hour. Only 2 more months to go! If any of your are confused on the sign, no that isn't that babies name. Melini is her last name, and Bambini is the babies nickname. 

 And me with my cute little niece Sophie {who soon after spit up on me}. 

Her party trick: Fitting her whole fist in her mouth. 


  1. Super duper cute shower! And blogger is weird, because it never tells people when you have responded to their comment....does it for you?!

    1. Mine does. I get an email that says says someone has responded to your comment. Maybe it's in the settings. It will only tell you when you hit reply. Some people just comment underneath you instead of hitting reply and then it won't tell you. Did it send you an email about this comment I just typed? :)

  2. SUPER cute. Props to you my friend, I'm hiring you when I'm preggo for my babes shower (don't worry, it's at least 5+ years down the road, you have time to plan).

  3. I seriously love this. Cutest food. Cutest banner. So creative

  4. Can you explain how you got the truffula trees to stand up in the pot so well?

    1. I think she used thick dowls. Not sure how you spell that!? Haha. But my sister switched the noodles out for bamboo rods and now has them in her nursery. They are super cute that way too.
